Instructions and Guidelines
Shake product well before using. Turn protein skimmer and other forms of mechanical filtration off prior to adding Reef Snow to aquaria, and allow 10 - 15 minutes after use before resuming operation of filtration. Most zooxanthellate corals extend their tentacles at night, when the majority of coralivorous and zooplanktivorous fishes are asleep and the abundance of zooplankton in the water column passing over and through the reef is at its greatest. Therefore, the most sensible time to feed Reef Snow to corals is after all lights in the aquarium have been off (preferably for at least one- to two-hours) and the room is dark. Using a dim flashlight, illuminate the area immediately upstream of the coral to be fed, then feed as directed below. Slight cloudiness of the aquarium water accompanying dosage of Reef Snow is a result of the inorganic active components entering solution and will dissipate rapidly.
Target Feeding (recommended): Target feeding may be carried out with a lengthy piece of rigid air tubing, plastic syringe, pipette, dropper, or similar device; suck a portion of Reef Snow into the feeding device, then slowly discharge the contents of the device 2 - 4” upstream of the target organism(s). Repeat these steps as deemed necessary. Do not place items that have been exposed to aquarium water inside this container without first thoroughly rinsing them (inside and outside) with fresh water; failure to do so will contaminate the product and encourage it to decompose. See ‘Notes’ below regarding maximum recommended feeding amount.
Broadcast Dispersal: Add up to 2.5 ml (½-capful) per 50 gallons of water in the entire aquarium system in an area of rapid water movement every other day for the first four weeks of use; thereafter, the dosage may be gradually increased if desired.
Notes: Reef Snow should be considered a type of food. Add no more than 5 ml total of liquid food suspensions per 50 gallons of water in the entire aquarium system daily for the first four weeks of use; thereafter, the dosage may be gradually increased as desired. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Not for human consumption.